SMICES will attend to the 2019 ILTS congress (Toronto, May 15th – May 18th)

STELLA SURGICAL will attend to the 2019 ILTS congress (International Liver Transplantation Society) taking place in Toronto from May 15th to May 18th.
The International Liver Transplant Society (ILTS) is a young, vibrant growing organization of approximately 1200 international members belonging to a multidisciplinary cadre of specialists and healthcare providers, who have joined to promote the focus of ILTS – the advancement of the science and practice of liver transplantation by sharing of clinical and educational experiences and research at an international level.
This year, STELLA SURGICAL, an affiliate of SMICES will present its app e-Stella allowing the measurement of steatosis level in liver graft through a single picture taken with a ubiquitous smartphone. This app is equipped with artificial intelligence and will be used during hepatic transplantation procedures as a support for the surgical team in its decision of liver graft acceptance.
This congress is a real opportunity to conquer the American and Canadian market but also to improve e-Stella technologies and to develop international partnerships.